My Calling Story – Charles Richardson

My Calling Story – Charles Richardson

First, some background. I never wanted to be a preacher or a pastor, still not my first choice. I wanted to be a pilot, to fly in the military. I still want to fly. God’s call on one’s life is stronger than strong though; it’s absolute, ultimately, it’s irresistible....
Mission Opportunity – Laos

Mission Opportunity – Laos

We exist for the Church. This is the simplest way to state the mission of General Baptist Ministries. But the Church is not just made up of General Baptist buildings. It stretches around the globe wherever there are believers and wherever they will be found in the...
Mission Opportunity – Tunisia

Mission Opportunity – Tunisia

General Baptist Ministries has recently connected with a new partner to reach the nations. Through this partnership, we are operating in 13 new countries, and we’ll be introducing a new one each month. This month, meet Tunisia. In northern Africa, the Mediterranean...
Global Mission Opportunity in Iraq

Global Mission Opportunity in Iraq

Last month, we were excited to introduce General Baptist Ministries’ new missions partnership connecting us with 13 countries in need of the gospel. Now we want to tell you about one of those amazing places: Iraq. Let’s start in Kurdistan (an autonomous region in...