General Baptist Ministries is partnering to send Christian English teachers into some of the most challenging places in the world, and we couldn’t be more excited! Learning this major world language can open up opportunities for students to pursue education and careers, and it gives teachers a way to connect with students in need of Christ. There are so many people to reach, and more of them live in China than almost any other country in the world. China is a giant of international power with a great need for the gospel, and we want to be a part of bringing them that good news. 

The exact number of Christians in China is unknown because government pressures often skew the survey results. Legally registered churches are under close scrutiny, so many Christians join illegal underground house churches. Estimates of the total count of Christians fall somewhere between two and three percent. If these are accurate, then 97% of the second-largest population in the world does not know the Lord. 

The Great Wall represents a philosophical barrier as well as a physical one. A history of isolationism has blocked access to the gospel for most of the population. Only recently did the country become more open to outside influence, but foreign religion is still suspect. Chinese people have a deeply rooted cultural identity and a profound national pride. They are famous for achievements like the historic Summer Palace near Beijing, full of lush gardens built for Emperors in the 1700s. Their rich traditions in art, poetry, and music have contributed much beauty to the world. Popular foods, like the intricately designed mooncakes given at the Mid-Autumn festival, come from hundreds of years of tradition. The legacy of innovation and achievement continues with traditions like the annual snow and ice festival in the northern city of Harbin. The festival grounds are practically a city built from ice lit in bright colors and full of impressive sculptures—quite a feat of engineering and artistry.  

Chinese culture values honor, filial piety, and interdependence within the community. When economic reforms in the 1980s led the country to open up to outside influence, this community focus was a great match for the faith of the growing Christian minority. But by 2010, as government pressure on religious activity increased again, this growth slowed almost to a standstill.

Pray for the Chinese people. They have such a beautiful emphasis on honoring others and building community, but they don’t realize that their Creator is worthy of the ultimate honor, and that a relationship with God and his children is the community He made their hearts to long for. We are on our way to China to share this amazing news with them. Will you join us?

Reach out to Mark Powell (VP of Global Missions) to find out more.