Global Missions
General Baptist Global Missions (GBGM) is an evangelical agency which sends missionaries and plants churches throughout the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Information can be found here reflecting our various activities and ministries. GBGM is a ministry of the General Association of General Baptists and supported by Unified Giving.Interested in a short term mission team? Contact us here:
Global Missions
The Americas

Honduras – Faith Home
Faith Home is a General Baptist ministry providing a safe and healthy place to love and raise children who were neglected, abandoned, and abused. Faith Home consists of a 50 acre campus near San Pedro Sula, Honduras. On this campus, 10 homes have been constructed to provide housing for the children. Married, Honduran, Christian couples have been hired to live in each home and provide the day to day care. These house parents, and their own children, provide the foundation for the family unit in each home.
A school, Little Angels, has been constructed and staffed to assist the children with their education. More recently, we have added a computer lab. Faith Home employs a full time educational specialist to oversee the children’s education and school coordination. The court system works with Faith Home to place children at Faith Home who come from situations of neglect, abuse, and abandonment.

Child Sponsorship
Our mission is simple. We share the love of Christ with children knowing that a life touched by Jesus is never the same. We share His love with smiles, hugs, and kisses. We share His love by providing a safe place for the children to grow up, where they do not need to worry about being abused or abandoned, where they have plenty to eat and a safe place to sleep. We share His love by giving them a quality bilingual education. But most of all, we share His love by worshipping, teaching, and modeling God’s holy Word.
A child sponsorship is $25 a month, and it takes 18 to fully sponsor a child, for a total of $450 per month per child. Your $25 a month sponsorship helps provide shelter, food, clothing, schooling, and medical and legal expenses. With more than 60 children currently in residence at Faith Home, there are a total of at least 1,080 sponsorships needed. If you are interested in sponsoring a child at Faith Home, please contact the mission office at 573-785-7746, email, or visit our Donations page.

Mexico’s 110 million people consist of approximately 8% evangelicals. About one-third of this population is below the age of fifteen. This, combined with years of continued drug wars and corruption, has put millions at risk. There is a great deal of development work required. There is an urgent need for leadership training, biblical training, and strategic financial investment to propel this ministry into the future.
General Baptist Ministries has been working in Mexico for approximately 15 years. Along with three General Baptist churches in Juarez, one in Chihuahua, and many in Tijuana, God has positioned us to play a dynamic role in the process of bringing the Gospel to this country. Recent growth among General Baptists in Mexico has seen expansion to Baja California Norte and Chiapas. There are currently four Bible institutes operating in the country and Pastor Rene Rodriguez serves as coordinator for Hispanic education.
The General Baptist work in Jamaica had its beginnings in 1958 through correspondence initiated by Reverend Roger J. Cazziol, a faith missionary who was working in the newly independent country of Ghana in West Africa. Cazziol became interested in General Baptist theology while attending seminary. While in Ghana he became aware of the possibilities of mission work in Jamaica and took the position of Headmaster at a private boys school to start a ministry of missionary evangelism in the rural areas of central Jamaica.
In 1961 Cazziol registered his ministry as the Jamaica Association of General Baptists although no churches had yet been organized. In 1962 Cazziol affiliated with a General Baptist Church in Florida and a new opportunity and relationship was born between American and Jamaican General Baptists. The connection was cemented on September 11, 1966 when the Jamaican churches formed their Articles of Association and became the Jamaica Association of General Baptists. The Jamaica Association celebrated 50 years of service to Christ in 2016!
Today the Jamaica Association consists of nine churches with over 500 members. There is an active Women’s Missionary Society, Youth organization, Brotherhood, and camping program.

Global Missions
The Pacific Region

Saipan Community Church was started by Reverend Ed Stevens shortly after the end of World War II. The ministry has grown over the years and now consists of a beautiful campus along the beach road in the Susupe area of Saipan. Saipan Community School, K-8, is a ministry of Saipan Community Church.
The church and school are extremely multi-cultural in nature with people from the US, Japan, China, Korea, Palau, Chuuk, the Philippines, and many other locations represented. The church has two full time pastoral staff members as well as a full compliment of school personnel.

General Baptists have been ministering in Guam since 1911. This is our first and oldest field of ministry outside the continental United States. Over the years we have been blessed by our connection with Guam and look forward to many more years of ministry and outreach to the residents, guest workers, and military families of Guam.
Protestant work in Guam began in 1899. General Baptists sent Reverend and Mrs. Arthur U. Logan to Guam in 1911. Under the Logans, the Hågatña church was renovated with concrete walls. The Baptist congregation was then led by Reverend and Mrs. D.R. Thomas (1922-1925), Reverend and Mrs. A.L. Luttrell (1925-1928), and Reverend Dale Tennison (1928-1930).
In 1935, Joaquin Flores Sablan, whom Reverend Luttrell had accompanied to Oakland City for schooling, returned to Guam as the first ordained Chamorro Protestant minister. When the Japanese occupied Guam during World War II, Reverend Sablan moved to Yigo and, from there, traversed Guam to attend to his scattered Baptist congregation. After the war, a new church was completed in Agana Heights in 1955. The missions in Umatac and Inarajan eventually closed but new congregations were started in Yigo, Agat, and Talofofo and continue to the present day.
Global Missions
The Asia Region

Southeast Asia
General Baptist Bible College – Davao City, Philippines
The General Baptist Bible College – GBBC exists to train and equip generations for Christian service. Hundreds of alumni today serve in the field of ministry, education, music, business, and even in governmental service.
Founded by General Baptists in 1965, GBBC has been training pastors, Christian education workers, and school teachers who serve the Philippines. Classroom instruction by well trained faculty is complimented by ministry practicum in the field. The student body is energetic and ministry minded, expressing a deep heart and compassion for the people of the Philippines

Matigsalug Bible Institute – Mindanao, Philippines
Founded by General Baptists in 1978, the Matigsalug Bible Institute – MBI in Mindanao, Philippines has been training pastors and Christian workers for ministry in the tribal areas of Mindanao. The staff members, students, and families live in community and are growing in their Christian walk.
The purpose of the Matigsalug Bible Institute is to train Christian workers for General Baptist churches in the tribal area. MBI makes available theological training for Christian workers at an entry level for those who have not completed high school. When young men and women enroll at MBI, they are trained not only how to preach, but how to work as well. They are assigned duties on the property such as farming or facilities maintenance to help subsidize their costs.
Many steps have been made to make the school less dependent and more self-sufficient by creating rice farms and tilapia fish farming.

General Baptist has two ministry centers in India.
Kakinada/Pithapuram in the state of Andhra Pradesh is under the direction of Dr. Prakash and his wife, Jemima. Andhra Pradesh has a population of 84 million with 1.51% being Christian. General Baptists have been working here since 1982. The churches connected to this ministry are collectively called the India Association of General Baptists.
Siddipet in the state of Telangana is under the direction of Jessey Vemula and his wife Brittany. Telangana has a population of 35 million with 1.2% being Christian. General Baptists have worked in this area since 2013. The connected churches in this area compose the Calvary Grace Association.
General Baptists are also involved in a number of ministries in India: Living Waters Project water project, Lydia Sewing Centers in Telangana, Dorcas Sewing Centers in Andhra Pradesh, audio Bibles, Good Shepherds Children’s Home, and Grace Home for Women, among others.
Dorcas and Lydia Sewing Centers
Originally the Dorcas Sewing Centers were started by Pastor Suvarna Raj to get destitute women off the streets, enable them to earn a livelihood, and introduce them to faith in Jesus Christ. We praise the Lord that over the years hundreds of women have come to the Lord through the Dorcas Sewing Centers.
Dorcas and Lydia Sewing Centers exist to teach poor and disadvantaged ladies of India to sew and to reach them for the gospel. Most of these ladies and Hindus and, because of cultural mandates, can only be reached by women, especially our General Baptist Bible women. On completion of their course, students from the Dorcas Sewing Centers are given a sewing machine on a matching funds basis. The ladies are required to raise their portion and the Centers pay the remaining $100.
The Dorcas Sewing Centers are a ministry of the India Association under the direction of Pastor Prakash and the Lydia Sewing Center is a ministry of the Calvary Grace Association under the leadership of Pastor Jessey.
Southeast Asia
Our ministry on the mainland of Southeast Asia focuses on a two groups of people who make up the world wide diaspora (the dispersion of people from their homeland), asylum seekers and refugees.
An Asylum Seeker is a person who has fled from their country but is not yet accepted as a refugee. Refugees and Asylum Seekers are different. Universal declaration of human rights specifies that “everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum abroad from persecution”. They aim to become refugees in order to apply to countries where they can settle. The latest statistics show that there are approximately 7,000 Asylum Seekers (inclusive of asylum seekers, refugees, and torture claimants) in Hong Kong waiting for a decision. The success rate for their application is very low. Often asylum seekers spend years in Hong Kong waiting for their case to be processed. They mainly come from south Asia and Africa as well as other regions and live at a bare minimum well below subsistence level.
We seek to to provide assistance to this group and offer support primarily through relationship building and teaching English as a second language.