General Baptist Foundation
General Baptist Foundation is a permanent fund providing a way to continue the work of General Baptist Ministries beyond our years on earth by providing perpetual assistance for the causes in which we deeply believe. The foundation is the center of endowment giving for General Baptist ministries. Estate and bequest gifts as well as current gifts provide a financial base of support for the ministries God has placed before General Baptists.Foundation
Methods of Giving
Direct Gifts
You may make a one-time gift or a series of gifts until the fund reached the size you determine. An endowment may be in the name of the donor or in memory of those you wish to remember.

Estate Planning
Proper planning of an estate can provide for a more effective and efficient distribution for you/ Through your Will, a bequest may be made to the General Baptist Foundation to establish an endowment or it may add to one already established. Other estate planning methods may also be used to accomplish your desires and provide for your needs in life.
Life-Income Agreement
Under this plan you may invest funds with the Foundation and receive an income for life. Provisions may also be made for the dependent for their life; and upon the death of the survivor, the fund is used to create an endowment.

Life Insurance
You may choose to give through life insurance. The ownership and beneficiary of an old policy may be transferred tot he Foundation, or a donor may choose a new policy specifically for an endowment.
Charitable Bequest
Like other contributions, bequests may be either unrestricted or designated for a special purpose. An endowment or memorial may be funded now and additions made with future gifts or bequests.