Healthy churches don’t exist without healthy leaders.
Through coaching, training, and networking, we hope to help you fulfill the calling God has placed on your life.
Don’t do ministry alone
Leading a congregation to live out the mission God has given us is a challenging endeavor. A pastor is expected to be a great preacher, trusted counselor, financial advisor, volunteer recruiter, and lawn care specialist. The expectations can be overwhelming. Ministry should not be taken lightly. Don’t try to face it alone.
Our team has years of experience working with and alongside pastors. We want to be a help for those who need it. We believe outside support is beneficial in assuring the ongoing health of a pastor in his ministry, family life and personal walk with God. We’re always looking for ways we can serve pastors better.
Here are a few things we currently provide:
- Church Health assessment
- Coaching
- Training
- Leadership development
- Resources
- Encouragement
- Prayer
- Connection to other pastors, regional coordinators and national office staff